Developing Awareness on Light and Color
When it comes to Makeup, Color and Light are inseparably mixed. In makeup schools, we learn about Color theory, form and textures. On how to use Colour palettes, blush colours, colour foundations, colour pencils. But how about Light? Or even better, how about the Color of Light?
First of all we need to learn what is color.
Light is made up of wavelengths and each wavelength is a particular colour. The colour we see is a result of which wavelengths are reflected back to our eyes.
When we apply makeup we take our color decisions based on this science because color is primarily in the Light.
Prepare yourself for a trip from within, since both Light and Color start in your own eyes.
Yes, your sight has the power to traduce light waves into the different colours of your makeup.
Now you can ponder the importance of the light that you use for makeup application.
Learn more at THE COLOR OF LIGHT
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